The Mind of the Leader

Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter 

Harvard Business Review Press

Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter reveal the results of evidence-based research in leadership that surveyed more than 35,000 leaders and interviewed more than 250 C-suite executives. This research revealed that 77% of leaders think they do a good job of engaging their people, yet 88% of employees say their leaders do a bad job with engagement. It seems that employees are more disengaged than ever, so how can leaders better engage their teams?

The authors say better engagement comes from organisations putting people at the centre of their strategy, and developing managers who lead with mindfulness, selflessness and compassion. The Mind of the Leader uses examples from hospitality organisation, Marriot; management consulting company, Accenture; and LinkedIn and represents a redefinition of what it takes to be an effective leader.

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