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Higher School of Business, Kazan Federal University


Higher School of Business, Kazan Federal University
Country: Russia
City: Kazan
Accreditation Type: Dual Accredited
About the School
Higher School of Business of Kazan Federal University occupies the rightful place in the market of training of managers of highest level of qualification and meets international standards. Our mission is to create the value guidelines for those who wish to develop themselves and their business in our country. Satisfying the need for favourable change in life and in business activity, we create values for the others.
Being a division of Kazan Federal University, Higher School of Business unites the academic traditions of Kazan University, the growing progressive trend in all spheres of its activity and the business-oriented way of thinking of the modern business community. Our School, being a new educational environment for integration of the global experience and national practice, acts as a site for those who set the rules of the game for their companies.
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