New handbook promotes the importance of DBA programme

DAB Book

A new book co-edited by Michel Kalika and Stephen Platt entitled, The Doctor of Business Administration: Taking your professional practice to the next level, aims to explain how the DBA qualification can help managers handle increasingly complex and uncertain work scenarios and why a growing number of executives is deciding to pursue what is a unique doctoral programme. It also aims to answer many of the questions that future DBA students are likely to ask.

The authors of this book represent AMBA-accredited DBA programmes run by leading higher education institutions in eight countries and on three continents. The book has a forward by AMBA & BGA CEO Andrew Main Wilson and an introduction to the DBA by association chair Bodo Schlegelmilch.

This book was written specifically for those who are already contemplating the journey to becoming ‘manager/researchers’. This is a journey during which they will gradually learn to master the research and critical thinking skills that will take their professional practice to the next level, helping them to not only become better managers, but also to stand out in a crowded career market where the MBA will no longer be seen as the only required qualification for senior responsibilities.

Part one of this book explores the reasons for the DBA, how it answers a need in the executive education market, and clearly outlines the differences between a DBA and a PhD.

This is followed in part two by an explanation of the kind of learning experience to be expected, opening up ‘the black box’ of the programme, clarifying key points such as participant profiles and motivations and programme design, as well as the crucial partnership between student and thesis supervisor.

Part three of the book concludes with the all-important question of the impact generated by professional theses, whether this might be for the personal benefit of the manager/researcher, for their organisation, or for society at large. 

This informative book provides a balanced perspective to prospective DBA students by answering a number of crucial questions, including what a DBA study programme entails; what commitment level is required; how the qualification helps augment managerial effectiveness; and how it differs from a PhD.

Fewer than 15 universities offer it in Latin America, and most of these programmes are not accredited internationally. This book will undoubtedly contribute to raising awareness about the relevance of the DBA, and hopefully will also lead to an increase in demand for this type of qualification in the region.

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